We will help your hot tub run its best, 12 months a year.
How we keep you in hot water!
Hot Tub Diagnostics
We first need to determine where the issue starts, like any problem. Our hot tub technicians can quickly diagnose the issue and get started on fixing your hot tub so you can get back to enjoying all its benefits.
Hot Tub Repairs
Once we diagnose the issue, we get to work fixing your hot tub! We have the tools, the parts and the experience to get your hot tub up and running A.S.A.P
Hot Tub Maintenance
Like most machines, hot tubs need maintenance. Whether it be chemicals, parts or advice on solving water issues, we are here to help. We have hot tub chemicals and accessories available in stock.
Contact us.
If your hot tub needs service or repair, get in touch for an appointment.
(613) 583-5070
5062 Rd. 38, Harrowsmith, ON K0H 1V0